to be ruthless...

ynonyms: adamant, barbarous, brutal, callous, cold, cold-blooded, cruel, cutthroat, dog-eat-dog, feral, ferocious, fierce, grim, hard, hard-hearted, harsh, implacable, inexorable, inhuman, ironfisted, killer, malevolent, merciless, mortal, obdurate, pitiless, rancorous, relentless, remorseless, revengeful, sadistic, savage, severe, stern, stony, surly, unappeasable, unfeeling, unforgiving, unmerciful, unrelenting, unsympathetic, unyielding, vicious, vindictive, without pity

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Well, here we go again...

 Magnolia Pearl love...that's what we got...
 Lorie and I were discussing peddling our goods
 on the road again and doing a few shows to see how
things would go...
I think we're restless, maybe it's winter blahs...
or maybe we're just unsettled souls
that need rejuvenation...right...
but doing shows on the road is a lot of hard, labor-intensive work,
you gotta have a game plan...

 ...or maybe we're just sick in the head...
ya think...
these shots taken from Robin's book, give you some sort of an idea 
of the look we're going for...
think we can pull it off
In today's flea markets, you must have a theme and play on it,
your booth needs to be staged, this attracts attention
if it's out of the ordinary and we certainly know how to be
out of the ordinary...then you gather a following that will go
through hell or high water to visit you.
but whatever it is, we got the need...
and when a girls got the need... 

and I got the urge the other day
and found these two sweet pieces.
The first to be set aside for a show, but first I must transform them...
check back later for the dirty deed...

And please, don't be offended by the photos, the cuss words
or any other foul goings-on...
it is what it!!!


  1. LOVE the photos..i could take a nap on that bed and never want to leave that bed! I am so excited for your new venture. Will you be headed to Texas? 2011 is going to be a great year...I have a good feeling!

  2. I LOVE YOU SHARON, i wish i was more like YOU!!! I clicked on to "junk Whores" and i got a great big smile on my face. I need a new venture!!!! I'm jealous.

  3. OMG ! You guys have cracked me up something awful ! LOL and your theme song from True Blood is perfect !! This is too much fun for you guys to keep to yourselves .. spread the luv and the tune I say and good luck with your adventures : )
    Thanks for stopping by my blog : )
    Joy .. I wanna be more like this now ! hehehe

  4. Oh Sharon, the music is great! and I don't know how you find these pictures but it is right up your crazy twisted alley!!!!
    Sista you so twisted!!!
    Good luck with this venture, short or long, enjoy it like there is no tomorrow!!!!!

  5. So is "peddlers" the opposite of "pickers"???
    just curious...

  6. I love the photo of the window over the sink . :o)
